Tuesday, November 6, 2007

First Quarter Reflection

Well, that's one quarter done. Only 11 more until we graduate! Hooray!!!
Looking back, it was a pretty tough quarter. Starting off the year, I was overwhelmed by the amount of work, but I quickly learned to manage. Also, our class at the beginning of the year was slightly below par. We were(and still are) very talkative and class seemed to be a little bit out of control. Ms. Froehlich was clearly frustrated with us which I picked up on but I'm not sure if the whole class did. But we overcame that problem, coincidentally, when our class became a bit smaller. Now we are still talkative but I think that we have done a pretty keeping class under control. Our discussions are still lively but are not as wild and disrespectful as they used to be. So the class has improved a great deal since the beginning of the year but there is still room to become more excellent, but not perfect.
I think that I have improved in English as well. Again, I was slightly overwhelmed in September, but now I don't have a problem managing the workload. Also I think that my writing skills have improved quite a bit. My work was very confusing, or so I was told, but I have been working on that and have definitely cleared things up. While we haven't written a full paper since ELIC, my paragraphs and thesis's have been much better and have, hopefully, made sense to more people besides myself. In addition, kinda off topic, but, my journalism writing for Zephyrus has been much better. I'm growing in more than one type of writing, which is good.
Finally, my goals for 2nd quarter. First of all, I want to continue clearing up my writing, and work on getting rid of all of the metaphors in my writing. To do this I am going to try to get more feedback from classmates and Ms. Froehlich, before our research paper is due.
Secondly, I want to work on finishing my work before the last minute. This will make my life much less stressful and will help my work improve. Also, I want to make my grade a bit better, I don't want to just scrape an A, I would much rather earn it.


Reka F said...

first off: i'm pretty sure that everyone in our class noticed that Mrs.Froehlich was frustrated with our clas.. so i wouldnt agree with the idea that the whole class was not aware of this. But i enjoyed reading the rest of your post and i agree that the class seemed incredibly overwhelming. You have good ideas for stress relief, and i think they will work well in second quarter :)

sonofabennett7 said...

You reflected for a really long time. But it was nice and full. I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I did reading it. Keep up the good work!

Kyle Y said...

I agree with what you said about our class being a little to talkative and while our entire class may not have understood the fact that Ms. Forehlich was upset, I think the majority of us understood it when we got the extra writing assignment. That sure was a wake up to me that our class really needed to pipe down and start listening.I too would like to start to get all my homework done before the last minute. After having to hurry to finsh a lot of my assignments at the end of first wuarter i think that I will be trying to do a lot more work in advance instead of procrastinating. Pretty much nice work on your blog!

Ms. Froehlich said...

I don't think that I was subtle about my displeasure with the classroom atmospehre. So I think that people knew and know, it's just a question of having enough self-control to do what you know is required. DON'T get rid of the metaphors in your writing, just make sure that they are clear and understandable! Keep up the effort you displayed during Q1 and I know you'll achieve your goals.

Peter said...

Yeah I'd have to say that the first half of the quarter was almost more work than the second half. I've heard teachers purposely load up on Q1 just to get things going and to set expectations high for the year. We shall see if it works...

Teddy H. said...

Whooo-hoooo! 11 more quarters sounds soooo much better than 2 and 1/2 more years! Anywho, I totally can relate to the whole writings skills thing, as I already feel like a much more mature writer (but not a much more mature person, I'm afraid...). I can also relate to the whole procrastination dealy-o, though I find it funny how we all say "...I'm going to work on procrastination NEXT quarter..."! Just a thought. So yea, great post buddy. See ya'round!