Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Eve F. said...

The first thing I see when I look at your photo is the bright pink flower right in the middle. It creates a leading line with the stems to the hand of the statue. The statue is a little greenish, with a bird perched on its arm. The brown and orange leaves in the background indicate that it is fall. It's ironic how the leaves are all changing color and then the one flower is still blooming and bright pink. It gives a lot of contrast. The shot is taken from a low angle and it makes the statue seem really big, as if we're looking up to it. It seems like she is looking out over everyone and watching over us. The shot is leaning on a medium shot. We can see the detail of the statue's face and the bird, as well as the flower and its stem. But we can see the background of leaves too. This tells us that we're not supposed to focus on just the flower or just the statue, but perhaps both. The light is coming from the left, and it creates a shadow across one side of the statue, and parts of the tree are in the dark. This makes it seem as if the statue is coming into the light, in a heroic fashion. Really nice photo!!

Jenny R. said...

Sweet photo!
I first notice the face of the statue in the lower right corner. Then my eye follows the statue's gaze to the bird. Then I follow the direction the hand is pointing to the rose. It's not leading lines exactly, but kind of a path for the eye to follow.
The photo is shot at a low angle. I guess that makes the beauty of the statue and the flower and such seem a bit more special and awing.
The photo is taken from a medium distance, since you can see the details of the flower and the statue but still see the trees in the background. The distance makes it so we consider all three elements at once, instead of focusing on one.
The sunlight is coming in from the left, so half of the statue is illuminated, half is in shadow. This gives a sense of the statue emerging into the sunlight.
An story behind this photo could be the person with a bird coming upon a pretty rose, if you feel like personifying the statue.

Kyle Y said...

I like this shot. The first thing that catches my eye is all the color on the flowers on the left which are almost opposite that of rest of the seemingly dying picture. This is a low angle and i see it as a medium shot. The low angle of this shot makes the boy with the bird on his arm seem important and it makes the flower seem significant as well. I see the boy as someone innocent and yet very important like Frodo from Lord of the rings or something. The low angle makes him seem like he has a burden on his shoulders but then when you see his smiling face and the bird you see an innocence that mnakes you want to reach out and help him. Nice job of setting up a story with just one photo.

Ellen J. said...

Awesome photograph!!
I really like that the photo is at a low angle because it makes you feel like you're looking up into the trees/sky. The first thing I noticed was the statue's head looking off into the distance. Then I noticed the bird. The statue created a leading line that lead to the pretty pink flower in the middle of the photo. That burst of color gives the viewer a refreshing blast of color and makes for a very interesting photo. The lighting was neat and made the photo very dynamic. Nice work!!!

Teddy H. said...

JEEZ!!! What an awsome photo, really! Anywho, the first thing that caught my eye was the statue, which stood out against all the warm colors surrounding it (nice effect!). At first, I'd say it represents something sad and alone, but the statue doesn't look upset when you really study it. The fact that it's freeing a falcon also has some metaphorical value, like the beauty of freedom surrounds those who feel left out (or something like that...). The statue and falcon also serve as a directing line, emphasising the bright blue sky, colors of the leaves, the rose in center, etc. The fact that it's done at a low angle adds to my theory of the importance of freedom and individuality. All in all, might be the prettiest photo I've seen all night! I'm curious as to what your intention of this photo was, please either respond to this post or my blog with your answer. I'd try to ask you at school, but I'll probably forget... So yea, Nice work!

Katie K said...

amazing picture!!!
first of all i love how when we look at the picture i am drawn to the bright pink flower in the middle, although i'm sure this was not your intention for the flower to be the focus it makes you look around the picture more, second of all i love how its a low angle giving the statue a really cool look, i feel like i'm in a movie where there is a dramatic scene and this statue is portraying something really important because i feel like it takes a lot of power in this picture! good job chris!!!!

Peter said...

The great thing about this photo, I think, is the contrast between a pleasant sight and one of dark mood. The statue, surprisingly, caught my eye first. I think it's because it's not something you would ordinarily see in a photo. I really like how even though you don't have a sense of time in this photo, the statue lets you know that there is a history behind the subject.

The low angle adds to the power that the statue already possesses, mostly because of the intimidating looking falcon/hawk/eagle. Whatever the case, it's a bird of prey and it causes the photo to be observed with a darker mood, I think.

Zach Frey said...

The first thing that hits my eye in this photo is the statue in the right corner. Next it was the pink flower. The stem of the flower creates a leading line to th statue. This i would say is a medium shot. This shows a lot of extra stuff not just the statue and the flower but stuff in the back round. This may be a photo that one looks at both of the main objects. This is a low angle shot. This gives the effect that the boy and the flower are important in the eyes of the cameraman.